Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Members are encouraged to think about and suggest to UNTF leadership creative & positive actions for this Friday's Commencement ceremonies, should negotiations not lead to a fair contract for UNTF. There are only two more official bargaining sessions left, today Tu 1-5 and Th 9-5 (oh, and please consider showing up at one of these for an hour (or more) so the MSU administration sees what the bargaining team has been trying to communicate: that UNTF members are united in their desire for better job security, pay, and benefits.)

Commencement actions: add to the UNTF pool of ideas
Anything could happen in these 2 bargaining days, so members should prepare for any contingency. Members are encouraged to think of and suggest to UNTF creative & positive visibility actions for this Friday's Commencement, when alumni, parents, and new graduates will be on campus. Anecdotal talks with current students and other members of the public give reason to believe many members of the public are receptive to the idea of encouraging better teachers by properly treating our teachers. Visitors will be interested to learn about the job situation of many of their professors, who in their minds are often an undifferentiated group of highly privileged individuals--should MSU continue to deny UNTF members basic job security and decent pay, something many other Michigan universities seem to be able to do for their non-tenure track faculty.

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