Can you imagine an MSU where?
- Full-time Nontenure-Track faculty earn only $20,000,
- pay $464 dollars a month for their family's health insurance,
- and gay and lesbian faculty members won't be granted leave to attend their partners' funerals?
We can't imagine this either. Thats why union-supporters from all over campus will be working together to build the support we need to get a contract we can all get behind.
On February 8th, the administration presented its initial proposals, revealing that MSU is planning to balance its budget on the backs of fixed-term employees.
The admin's proposals fell short of not only of our proposals, which could have been expected. But for employees starting after July 1, 2010, management's proposals on compensation and benefits also fall short of what is currently in place.
This is the just the beginning, so we hope that as many of you as possible will be with us on Feb 18th at 1pm in the Nisbet Building, when we will be discussing Union Rights, Employee Rights, and Faculty Support--three items on which we hope that we will be able to reach rapid agreement.
What kind of MSU can you help build? Send us your comments!